Submit your work
This DataKit focuses on two different projects: the Data Observation Toolkit (DOT) and the Container-based Action Routing Tool (CART). Both projects are maintained by DataKind with contributions from the global open source community.
We use the fork and pull model for our open source projects. To submit your DataKit work, you will start by forking the repository to your own GitHub account. Clone your forked repository to your local machine and create a new branch from the main
branch for your work. Make your changes there and commit them with clear and descriptive messages.
Once your work is ready, push your branch to your forked repository on GitHub, then create a pull request to the original repository. Make sure your branch is up to date with the main
branch of the original repository and resolve any merge conflicts. Our project maintainers will review your pull request. Once approved, your changes will be merged into the main
branch of the original repository.